Slip/Trip & Fall?

Were you injured in a slip or trip and fall? Here’s what you should do next.

First, report the injury to the property owner and obtain an incident report.  You want to report the incident as soon as possible to preserve your claim and to help you prove damages if there are any. You also want to report the incident because this is one step in the right direction of putting the insurance company and the at fault party on notice of your injuries and potential claim for damages. While you are still at the scene of the slip/trip and fall, you need to take pictures of the object or liquid that caused you to slip or trip.  If anyone stops to help you or witnesses the incident, gather their name and contact information. 

Second, you will want to seek medical attention. You want to seek medical attention even if you feel like you’re okay. Why? Because more than likely the next day when you wake up you will begin to feel pain. You also want to seek immediate medical treatment to rule out any sprains, strains, broken, or fractured limbs. If you’re worried about the cost of medical treatment, don’t be. This is one of the damages that you can recover from the premises owner/the insurance company.

The third thing you want to do is preserve the clothing and shoes that you were wearing when the accident occurred. This could be helpful in proving your damages.  Take pictures and store these items somewhere safe.

Next you want to consult an experienced injury attorney that can explain more about the process.  To schedule your free consultation, enter your information below and request a consultation.  

Lastly, whatever you do, do NOT post on social media about the injury or accident. The insurance company is watching even if you think they are not. But most importantly do NOT try to negotiate with the insurance company on your own.


3 Reasons Why you Should Seek Medical Attention After An Accident